Friday, January 23, 2009

Birth & Dying & Foreshadowing Life

Today, I sat with my youngest daughter and talked about Frannie and her death..
I told her that the thing that surprised me the most while being with her during the dying process was that it was so similar to birth.

I remember labor..the stages...first there is the time your body is getting ready for labor and this might take weeks, then  you get into mild labor, and active labor, and then you pass the point of no return and go into transition, knowing that the baby will be born any moment. It is the most intense part..and then you give birth not long after.

Being with my mom when she was dying, I was surprised how much dying reminded me of birth...the weeks (and even months) before I watched her sleep alot and things seemed to slow down, she became less and less interested in things around her. Then she switched into active dying, when we could tell that she wouldn't  be  around much longer it became harder and harder for her to breath, harder and harder for her to live.....and then right before death, she switched over to almost a transition like behaviour..where the body is actively shutting down yet there was a battle that she went through in her body..while her spirit fought and her body fought....and not long after that .. she breathed  her last breath...........

I think that God is a great foreshadower, like a great writer..He shows the storyline of life and death all around coming out of death...thru all aspects of nature...

That brings me hope...when you look at death is sad ..but when you look at the foreshadowing of a Great have hope...for new life... breathing a last find new life ......


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